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Best Hosting for WordPress Required


I run about 10 WordPress sites. Some are more complex than others (1 is moderately intensive).
I'd like to host all my sites on the same platform, rather than have 1 here, 1 there, etc. I can spend up to $40 a month on hosting. So a few questions:
1) Are there any "premium" shared/cloud hosting platforms out there (I know that sounds like an oxymoron, but some shared hosts are better than others).
2) Should I look at Managed WordPress solutions? Any recommendations?
I am looking to upgrade to something more WordPress friendly. (currently paying about $25/month).
What can you say about Zipservers.com website hosting solutions? Can I rely on them?

Before choosing a web host check if they offer flexibility of upgrading to a higher hosting package, just in case you run out of the allocated resources.
Try and check their response time, also if they have a live chat service then get things cleared with them.

I know nice hosting solutions are offered by NetShop-isp.com.cy and Rockhoster.com web hosts. Easy to use interface.
The pricing is very reasonable. Sites are running extremely fast and have had almost perfect uptime. Compare their vps solutions and choose the best for you.
Try narrowing your list of options by looking at the cheapest web host package that can meet your needs at the same time.
Do not compromise what had been planned about for the web site just to meet the level of what can just be offered with the cheap web hosting package.

I host a couple of sites with GTHost.com Dallas vps and their support has been terrific.
They have been just as responsive on previous occasions when issues came up transferring domain names or reconfiguring software.

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