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From $0.52/month shared hosting plans. Easy start. 30 Day Money Back.



** All payments are processed using Paypal. Paypal guarantees that the transaction is done safely and securely and always provide security and reliability for both buyer and seller.
30 Days money back guarantee. After 30 days the refund is prorated.

Toddler Plan $0.75/mo $0.52 /Month after 30% discount30 Day Money Back
Sign up NOW

Baby Plan $1.50/mo $1.05/Month after 30% discount 30 Day Money Back
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Teen Plan $2.50/mo $1.75/Month after 30% discount30 Day Money Back
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Mama Plan $3.50/mo $2.45/Month after 30% discount30 Day Money Back
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Each plan comes with:
24/7 Support
99.9% Uptime Guarantee
IonCube PHP Loader
Software installer
CPanel control

PS: All discounts applied to the first invoice Only.
** All payments are processed using Paypal. Paypal guarantees that the transaction is done safely and securely and always provide security and reliability for both buyer and seller.
30 Days money back guarantee. After 30 days the refund is prorated.

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