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Hire your next Full-Time Remote Employee, Developer, SEO Specialist & More!


AssistNinja is an virtual head-hunting service that pairs entrepreneurs with Virtual Assistants from the Philippines for a one-time fee. You hire, train and manage them, they are YOUR employees. Visit us at www.assistninja.com to learn more.

If you're the owner of a small business, hosting company or other online service, you're probably working a lot more than 40 hours a week for your business. How much of your time are you spending on small-time repetitive tasks that you could easily delegate?

This is where AssistNinja can help. We're an online headhunting company that will find a virtual assistant in the Philippines that meets the needs specific to you and your business. All you pay us is a one-time fee and we'll present you with 3 candidates you can choose from.

The difference with us and other services is we are NO middle-man. We pair you with an assistant that works under you and FOR you. You negotiate their hours, YOU manage them, they become a part of your company so YOU can focus on growing your business and stop wasting your time on trivial tasks.

>>>> Visit us at https://www.assistninja.com/

One-Time Fee: $500 - Enter coupon code "NINJAFYME" and get $100 off your order.

YOU determine what you will pay them each month. Here is an average pay range for different types of assistants:

These are ALL Full-time, 160 hours PER MONTH rates:

  • Programmers: $600-$1400/mo
  • Designers: $500-$1200/mo
  • SEO Specialists: $500-$1000/mo
  • Social Media Experts: $500-$700/mo
  • Virtual Assistants: $500-$800/mo

Questions? Visit our FAQ page for more information: https://www.assistninja.com/faq

Where will my VA be located?How much should I pay my VA?
The living wage in the Philippines is substantially less than that of the U.S. If hiring a part-time worker the pay is generally in the range of $200-$350/month and a full-time position can expect $500-$700/month in expected earnings. In addition we recommend you consider paying for their internet cost (typically around $20/month) and covering any payment transfer fees.

Visit Our Website Here and Open a Live Chat with US!.