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Hosting for magento ecommerce ?


Hi ALL webmasters here,
Let me explain my issue.
I need to run a magento e-commerce site and run more than 1 lack query per hour for few days till I need to insert the products via a API/web scraping.
My current hosting has a limit of 45000 queries per hour, which is very less.
Can someone suggest a budget hosting for same?
What are your views on Tzulo.com cPanel web hosting solutions? Are they good?
Should me able to run php codes.
Very kind, easy to work with, and exceptional service and value.
Server uptime 99.99% and support i rarely use it since i am an experienced webmaster.

Highly recommend Tzulo.com server hosting to anyone!
I would like to add here that I am +1 fully satisfied Tzulo.com hosting user. The network uptime is really perfect cos it is always online.
I only host a few small, low-traffic but database-centric sites and they have never been down.
Tzulo.com support is wonderful and helpful. They're easy, friendly and they seem to really care about their clients.

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