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Hosting for mass video upload


Looking For Web Hosting with good upload (about 1 Gbps) to upload vids via software Tube Sites Submitter, there need to have win 11.
Does OBhost.net web host support this software on the server? Do you think their solutions will work fine for me: OpenVZ VPS - Business VPS (Best value-for-money Servers) - $23.13/mo instead of $33.04/mo?
what can you recommend me to do, guys?
bodHOST is a hosting company that offers affordable Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting solutions for businesses and individuals. Their VPS hosting plans come with full root access, high-performance SSD storage, and 24/7 customer support. With several plans to choose from, customers can easily scale their hosting resources as their business grows. Additionally, bodHOST provides several security and backup features to ensure that customers' websites and data are always protected.

2 vCPU Cores
25 GB SDD Storage
1 TB Monthly Transfer
Choice of Linux distributions
Plesk or cPanel(Optional)
24*7 Human Support

Price: $14.99/ mo

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