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I am looking for a reseller to meet my needs


Hi, I am looking for a reseller to meet my needs.
I am only having a reseller as a hobby (to learn), and to host my friend's portfolio.
And for future use, when I decide to host my client's website.
Basically, all very small websites that doesn't update very often.
Since it is not for profit.
- $10 (or slightly more) per month annually. (I can go up to $20, if the service is good)
- around 30 GB space (or less)
- Private nameserver
- Live support, or fast support ticket replies
- GREAT uptime *
* The uptime bit is the most important among all.
I'm looking at these web hosts: QHoster.com and also KVChosting.net
What hosting provider would you rather choose? Why?
Can say that QHoster.com is an excellent host, which is well-priced and easy to work with.
Wish all would be the same professionals in their businesses.
Never had problems with this great hosting provider.
Good host without doubts. Kvchosting.net will serve your needs. They are very quick to respond to help desk tickets!! I had a problem after updating a script on the site and they were able to restore the site from a backup very quickly!!! EXCELLENT SERVICE!