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Reliable webhost with Ruby on Rails?


Hi Guys,
Can anybody recommend a reliable webhost who supports Ruby on Rails. Should be able to offer SSL support and unique ip. Don't need unlimited space or domains, but at least 30-50 Gbs of space and hosting 5-7 domains should be available. For rails support I like to use jRuby and Torquebox, but Passenger, and at least ruby 2.1 is ok too. Daily backups of files and DB should be available. The monthly budget would be around $30-40 (less is of course welcome). I am interested in VPS or Dedicated offers now.
What are your views on GTHost.com VPS host? Any reviews? Alternatives?

Best Wishes
I can't believe it, I finally found a GREAT host! Support is super fast and they solve the problems you ask them to. My VPS is very quick. GTHost.com Toronto vps can be trusted.
No outages for my site in the 9 months I've been with GTHost.com. It's good cheap vps hosting. The web control panel is sometimes a little slow but very powerful. These guys have a real-time listing on our site, that is, each server on the site is a real server (this is an instant server), that is, they are assembled and preconfigured, the client only selects the OS and bandwidth, the OS is installed by scripts in 10-15 minutes after payment, service works fully automatically 24/7.
So far, a very happy customer.
I'd recommend Exmasters.com vps to everyone. Well worth every penny the support you receive is excellent no matter what time of day you get in touch there is always a prompt response to any query.
bodHOST offers Linux-shared hosting plans that are affordable, reliable, and secure. These plans are designed for individuals and businesses that require a cost-effective hosting solution with all the basic features such as unlimited bandwidth, disk space, email accounts, and a cPanel control panel. bodHOST's Linux shared hosting plans come with advanced security features, including DDoS protection, malware scanning, and proactive monitoring to help protect customers' websites from various cyber threats.

5GB Storage
25GB Bandwidth
cPanel Control Panel
Host up to 5 websites
Unlimited Email Accounts
24*7 Human Support
99.95% Uptime

Price: $1.09/mo.

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