What are the benefits of doing an off-page activity?

Increases Score: This helps your page rank higher on search engine results pages, which in turn leads to an increase in the amount of traffic it receives.
Wonderful exposure: The higher the rating, the greater the amount of traffic that will be generated due to the number of links, social media mentions, and other factors.
Improvement in PageRank
Building a website's reputation and boosting its domain authority are both important goals of off-page SEO. If you do not have it, your website will consistently rank lower than other websites that already have a significant advantage. Even if links aren't the only off-page signals that Google's algorithm takes into consideration when ranking a website, it's safe to say that they're the most important of the bunch.
Is off-page activity is important for a website?
Score Improvement: This improves your page's position on search engine results pages, which in turn results in an increase in the amount of traffic that your website receives.
Wonderful exposure: The higher the rating, the bigger the amount of traffic that will be generated owing to the number of links, social media mentions, and other variables. In other words, the higher the rating, the greater the quantity of traffic that will be generated.
Increase in overall PageRank
Off-page activity encompasses various techniques, such as link building, social media marketing, influencer collaborations, and content promotion. These external activities send positive signals to search engines, indicating that your website is trustworthy, relevant, and deserving of higher rankings in search results.

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