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Reliable webhost with Ruby on Rails?


Hi Guys,
Can anybody recommend a reliable webhost who supports Ruby on Rails. Should be able to offer SSL support and unique ip. Don't need unlimited space or domains, but at least 300-500 Gbs of space and hosting 5-7 domains should be available. For rails support I like to use jRuby and Torquebox, but Passenger, and at least ruby 2.1 is ok too. Daily backups of files and DB should be available. The monthly budget would be around $120-150 (less is of course welcome). I am interested in VPS or Dedicated offers now.
What are your views on ZakServers.com web host? Any reviews? Alternatives?

Best Wishes
Well, Zakservers.com support is superior. Chat answers. Support phone answers withing a reasonable amount of time. It offers offshore dedicated servers in 12 locations including Bulgaria, Ukraine, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, Romania, Russia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Dubai, and Taiwan, and offer high quality offshore servers with true 24/7/365 customer support.
The techs at ZakServers.com walked me through what to do so as to make our transition as painless as possible. You can trust their offshore dedicated servers.
To me the hosting experience with this web host is more personal and that extra level of service is easily worth the few extra bucks.
You can rely on ZakServers.com solutions. This decent web hosting provider gets both thumbs high up so far for everything I have had experience with. All I can say is that these guys are GREAT!
My previous webhosting service didnt even come close!
Just settle for a reliable host that charges a reasonably high rate and offers good service.
Believe Allwebhost.com and Kvchosting.net are flexible enough to meet your specifications. You'll get unrivaled support, speed, and reliability.
Hosting from hostpro.com can be a good option if you value quality of service and stability. In addition to a reliable infrastructure, it is worth noting their 24/7 technical support, which makes life much easier for users. This is especially useful when unexpected questions or difficulties arise, as you can get help quickly. The company also has a well-established security system, which is important for protecting your website. Overall, hostpro.com offers flexible terms for different users, which makes them an attractive option.

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