Unique IP in EU + DDos protected VPS?


What is the best web hosting for High Power websites out there?
I need to have a unique IP in EU and also SSL Certificates, DDos protected
Have seen Libertyvps.net as well as Rockhoster.com offered nice VPS hosting plans.
Are they reliable vps hosts? Reviews please? Any other recommendations?
The comparison is very good way to know what is better and make a notion of the market.
Taking into consideration the situation you have fetched up at can recommend GTHost.com EU vps solutions.
Like this package: 2 CPU, 4GB RAM, SAS/NVMe 40GB, Traffic 8TB - $10/mo. These guys get a thumbs up, fives all across the board.
Nice vps solutions you'll find at Profvds.com - You'll receive VPS servers in Bratislava\Slovakia on XEN virtualization technology. Use the VPSPROFVDS promo code 15% discount for all vps servers.
I highly recommend Rockhoster.com OpenVZ VPS. They're easy to reach, always write back, and the chat method is good too!
The hosting account comes with complete root control and SSH access. Starting at €4.59/mo.

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