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web hosting for High Power websites?


What is the best web hosting for High Power websites out there?
I need to have a unique IP and also SSL Certificates, DDos protected
Have seen QHoster.com offered nice website hosting plans and SSL Certificates.
Is this host reliable? Any other recommendations?
I would like to sincerely thank the guys from QHoster.com for the excellent service they provide. Especially their support team helped me with all the issues I faced.
Every time I got some questions, I ask them online, no waiting times, there is always some one waiting there online to help us, it's just amazing.
Personally I'm satisfied with QHoster.com hosting. It is a great hosting site for the basics for development - cpanel, PHP/MySQL, and plenty of space for cheap.
The service, both as a web host and in dealing with customers, has been most satisfactory.
I have seen a couple of good reviews for qhoster.com recently.
They seem to be good. They are the ones you can rely on.
Because there are so many hosting companies accessible nowadays, choosing the correct one is critical. I believe you should first focus on your requirements. Among the various web hosting companies, those that can offer or satisfy all of your needs at a reasonable price are the ones you should consider as your future hosting provider.
If you're searching for dependable, low-cost web hosting with round-the-clock assistance, WHUK is the way to go.
Maybe that worth to use dedicated server? I think some unmanaged server is not expensive. For example at gthost.com you can get decent server below $60 per month.